Inspirational Quotes

"I have learned that people will forget what you said; people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

--Maya Angelou

"Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. You must learn to be still in the midst of activity and be vibrantly alive in repose."


Schizophreniform Disorder

The essential features of Schizophreniform Disorder are identical to those of Schizophrenia (e.g., delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech) except for two differences: the total duration of the illness (including prodromal, active, and residual phases) is at least 1 month but less than 6 months and impaired social or occupational functioning during some part of the illness is not required (although it may occur).

The duration requirement for Schizophreniform Disorder is intermediate between that for Brief Psychotic Disorder (in which symptoms last for at least 1 day but for less than 1 month) and Schizophrenia (in which the symptoms persist for at least 6 months). The diagnosis of Schizophreniform Disorder is made under two conditions.

There are suggestions that in developing countries, recovery from Psychotic Disorders may be more rapid, which would result in higher rates of Schizophreniform Disorder than of Schizophrenia.

    Associated Features

    Unlike Schizophrenia, impairment in social or occupational functioning is not required for a diagnosis of Schizophreniform Disorder. However, most individuals do experience dysfunction in various areas of daily functioning (e.g., work or school, interpersonal relationships, and self-care).


      Approximately one-third of individuals with an initial diagnosis of Schizophreniform Disorder (Provisional) recover within the 6-month period and receive Schizophreniform Disorder as their final diagnosis. Of the remaining two-thirds, the majority will progress to the diagnosis of Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective Disorder .

        Diagnostic criteria summarized from:

        American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, fourth edition. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association.

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